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Sabine ISBN: 9781842702918
Kennemore, Tim
Published by Andersen Press, 2003
Josh and Molly's family has big problems. Baby brother Luke, born three months premature, cries incessantly, and their mother is ragged with exhaustion. At first she spent all her time in hospital with him, but since they've come home, nothing is normal. Dad's state isn't much better, and the whole family is suffering. Bullies at school don't help Josh's emotional state, and when he finds a website called Technopolis and orders a pet dragon that is supposed to be a cyber pet, he is more than a little surprised to find that the dragon becomes real. Molly, who is a tad fey, isn't surprised at all, and together they care for Sabine, learning a lot along the way about the responsibilities of looking after a baby. The problems and emotions the family face in looking after both their babies are very real, and there are wonderful descriptions of Sabine's various antics - as well as her final banishment of the bullies. An ideal story for children facing the problem of having a premature baby in the family, with just the right mix of realism and fantasy.
Age: 9+