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Jade's story ISBN: 9780192718419
Pielichaty, Helena
Published by O.U.P., 2000
Jade's father has always been 'weird'. She doesn't like her friends to know about his spells of withdrawel and depression, but when he goes completely berserk and ends up in the middle of the road, shouting and throwing things from his shop, the whole world learns about his disability. He is sectioned and taken to a mental hospital many miles away. Jade and her mum move to a cottage to be near him, but Jade has real difficulties in coming to terms with his state. Helped by an older teenager whose brutally honest approach to her own mum's mental illness brings out many of the things Jade has always thought, and by the support of her friends and her mother, Jade accepts that her dad's terrible childhood will always affect him and make him different. He may never learn to express love for her in the way she would like, but she can love him in spite of his problems. Mental health is explored from a number of perspectives, all of which ultimately affect Jade's decisions. Honest and very straightforward.
Age: 10+