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Hannah goes to the doctor ISBN: 9781903275047
Clive and Dorman, Helen
Published by CP Publishing, 2000
Hannah wakes up with a headache and sore throat one morning, and mum, after carefully checking her (including taking her temperature with a strip thermometer) phones the surgery for an appointment. The step-by-step procedure shown then in great detail will be reassuring for children facing a visit to the doctor. Doctor Parrish diagnoses an infected ear and throat, and we see him checking her throat, her ears, her eyes, and her chest - all with the proper equipment. Teddy gets weighed too! After leaving the surgery, Hannah and her mum go to the chemist for the prescription, and we see Hannah taking her first dose and then going to sleep. Doctor Parrish takes us through pages of information all about safety in the home and how to prevent accidents, as well as explaining the different kinds of spots and rashes one can develop. There is also a page of information for parents about preventing accidents and what to do if your child is unwell. These impressive books about Hannah in various first-time situations can be bought online at
Age: 3+