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Are You Sad, Little Bear?: A book about learning to say goodbye ISBN: 9780745961378
Mcnaughton, Tina and Rivett, Rachel
Published by Lion Hudson plc, 2009
Little Bear is sad because his grandmother has 'walked away for ever, as old bears do'. Where should he go for comfort and reassurance? Mother Bear suggests the Wildwood. That seems a good idea, so off he goes. It is autumn, and the trees are changing colours. Aren't the trees sorry to lose their leaves, and aren't the leaves sad to fall to the ground, he askes? But the trees are beautiful now with their bright colours, and the leaves dance happily as they fall. The swallows, too, are happy to be going south to their other homes. Dormouse is not sad to go to sleep for the winter, and even the stream is happy that when its water evaporates 'A part of me can fly'. But it is the sun that give Little Bear the most comfort when he asks if the sun dies each day and if he is sad to leave. The sun wisely answers: 'Just because you can't see me, it doesn't mean I'm not there. Remember that.' And remember he does. At the end of his day in the Wildwood, Little Bear, cosy in the cave with his mum, feels that they and his grandmother are 'shining in the Great Heart that holds everything for always'. More philosophical than Christian, both text and illustration are lyrical. Full of wisdom and beauty, this story about the little cub and his wonderings should provide comfort in abundance.
Age: 6+