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ADHD (Need to Know) ISBN: 9780431188478
Pigache, Philippa
Published by Heinemann Library, 2005
One in a series of sophisticated information books, this one dealing with ADHD. Sections on the history of ADHD, what it is and who is affected (including worldwide statistics), the symptoms of the condition (such as inattentiveness, impulsiveness, social clumsiness, poor co-ordination and low self-esteem), living with ADHD (both as sufferer and family), the causes of the condition (genetic and environmental factors, differences in the brain, neurotransmitters and dopamine and noradrenaline, problems at birth, and possibly something in the diet), diagnosis and the problems thereof, behaviour modification at home and at school, treatment with drugs, a section on whether changes in diet can help, information on alternative treatments, adults with ADHD and what it can mean in their lives, and a last section on research and the future. Lots of illustrations and personal stories help the assimilation of the information, and while the book is undoubtedly aimed at teenagers, it is very useful for adults as well. A lengthy list of contacts in different countries gives scope for further information, and a glossary and index made the book useful for schools.
Age: 11+