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Lion vs Rabbit ISBN: 9780552565417
Latimer, Alex
Published by Picture Corgi, 2013
Lion is a terrible bully. All the other animals are fed up with his antics, and they ask him politely to stop. Lion isn't having it, of course, and all the animals find excuses for not confronting him. Baboon enters a plea on the internet for someone to help and offers a reward of '100 bucks (mostly gazelle)'. A bear and a moose and a tiger all try their hand, but with no success. The animals feel no one will be able to stop Lion - until a rabbit arrives! The lion is so sure that he can beat anything the rabbit suggests that he leaves the competition up to him. First they see who can eat the most marshmallows. Rather peculiarly, Rabbit wins that one hands down. He also wins in a quizz, a hopping contest, a painting competition, and, finally, a race up a high mountain. Lion must admit defeat and promises to stop bullying the other animals. It is only when those animals go to see Rabbit off on the boat (with his 100 bucks)that they realise there have been lots and lots of rabbits helping to win. The moral of this story is that there is safety in numbers and it is only when a group comes together to end bullying that it can be done effectively. There's lots of humour here, and the pictures are deliciously anarchic. The lion in his various battles is completely knackered, and the triumph of the little person (or persons in this case) makes for a wonderful twist in the ending. Huge fun.
Age: 5+