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Sometimes I'm a Baby Bear, Sometimes I'm a Snail : Ways to Say How We Feel ISBN: 9781803380254
Butterfield, Moira and Millward, Gwen
Published by Welbeck Publishing Group, 2022
The strength of this book is in its approach to explaining how one feels. The comparison with animals is a good one and gives children ways of explaining their feelings that will be readily understood, ie, 'I feel like a snail today' (needing to be happy on my own, like a snail in its shell) or 'I feel like a lion today' (brave and fearless) or 'I feel grumpy, like a gorilla'. There are rhyming components to the text, and the charming and fun illustrations add to the pleasure. Black children abound, such as the teller of the story and his best friend, and there are children in wheelchairs as well, subtlety showing diversity. All in all a great discussion about feelings and how to express them, which will help children and their parents communicate properly and respect the validity of each others' needs. Two pages of information for parents about using the book will be helpful, and the fact that it was supported by a child psychotherapist is a plus too. Quality stuff.
Age: 4+