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Daisy chase ISBN: 9780233978666
Beni, Ruth
Published by Andre Deutsch, 1986
Daisy has hay fever, and whenever there are flowers and growing things, she sneezes. Her school trip is to Kew Gardens, and after a day of running about and sneezing, she falls asleep in the Palm House, and doesn't wake until evening. There are two men talking nearby, and it is obvious they are up to no good. Daisy is horrified to learn they have a bottle of plant poison with which they are planning to kill all the plants in the world. She snatches the bottle, and the chase begins - a wonderfully zany one - and as with all good chases, the 'baddies' are caught - though the chief 'baddy' isn't as bad as he seems. He suffers terribly from hay fever too, and this is the reason he wants to kill all plant life. He is properly penitent and is packed off to a job near the North Pole, where, presumably, hay fever ceases to be a problem. Daisy, of course, is a heroine. Then someone sends her a huge bunch of flowers... Not much information here, but fellow hay fever sufferers will enjoy Daisy's adventures.
Age: 6+