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Solvents ISBN: 9780750243742
Fitzhugh, Karla
Published by Hodder Wayland (Health Issues series), 2003
The emphasis here is on the ease with which solvents are available around the home and the fact that people often die after sniffing only once. There are chapters on: types of solvents and their effects, how solvents are used around the world, the risks of inhaling, solvent addiction and how to get help, and, finally, how friends and family can recognise the danger signs and help. The information is detailed and text based, though there are excellent photos, graphics, and often harrowing personal stories too. While some of the information could be seen as a 'how to' guide for volatile substance abuse, the risks are made so very plain that the value of the book as a whole is worth it. It would be best, however, to assess this yourself before use. Good for PSHE and Citizenship lessons in secondary school, and the index, glossary and list of resources will be helpful too. Adults will find this a good introduction.
Age: 11+